
Dr. Martin is a specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy.  The effectiveness of CBT has been demonstrated by many controlled scientific studies and is recommended by the National Institute of Mental Health. His approach is active and collaborative.  One type of CBT called “Exposure Therapy” is particularly useful for anxiety and phobias. Dr. Martin’s work is flexible, supportive and custom-tailored to each patient’s needs.
In Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, clear goals are set and progress closely monitored.  Patients design projects with their therapist in a systematic step-wise fashion.  These often become between-session “homework.”  While treatment is very active, patients are encouraged to set goals for which they feel ready.  Maladaptive beliefs and thoughts are identified and alternatives explored.  The concept and methods of Mindfulness are an important part of CBT.  The principle of Habituation is central.  This principle, supported by many controlled scientific clinical studies, explains that often anxiety is at its peak when we first expose ourselves to an anxiety-provoking situation.  Yet, upon repeated exposure, the anxiety eventually lowers and confidence builds. 

Homework and exposure projects are designed which are not too difficult and not too easy -- where in the beginning, just enough anxiety is experienced to build confidence and enduring behavioral change.  Patients are encouraged to explore core beliefs about themselves and others  Personal biases are reconsidered.  Psychotherapy emphasizes fresh awareness, a limberness of mind, and an experimental attitude.  Dr. Martin also employs humor and metaphor. 

More adaptive ways of living are explored.  In Dr. Martin’s work, emotional support, humor, improvisation and even the use of metaphor are often helpful as the therapist and patient collaborate in creating effective CBT projects.  Many experienced practitioners find that CBT is not simply addressed to “symptoms.”  It is not simplistic superficial or mechanical.  Rather, behavioral change and examination of core beliefs can lead to deep psychological changes and changes in one’s social world of family, friends, work, and school.  Also, where appropriate, non-behavioral approaches may help address life stressors, conflicting motivations, and important family and other relationships.   In Dr. Martin’s approach, existential issues involving personal goals and purpose are often woven into the fabric of psychotherapy.  Also, the patient’s feelings of shame or embarrassment for having serious emotional difficulty are addressed.